Herd Sires
Sire Directory
VDAR Sonny Boy 1194 offspring have become a dominant part of our breeding program over the last five years. He has sired Showdown, Gallatin and Lone Peak, all of which have become highly used in our herd. His daughters have gone on to raise 100 calves at a ratio of 102 in 12 different herds. They make fantastic females and have proven themselves to be fertile and sound, producing wonderful attitudes with exceptional foot structure. Sonny Boy is co-owned with Jenkins Cattle Company, Moultrie GA, Lindskov & Thiel Ranch, Isabel SD, and Genex. Semen is available from Genex.
VDAR Kawliga 2141 was one of our top-selling bulls in our 2022 Cattleman’s Advantage Bull Sale, purchased by CS Angus, Craig & Shelby Weirather, Newell, SD. We used him extensively and are extremely excited by the uniformity, productivity and temperament of his calves.
VDAR Gallatin 7586 has a very exciting future ahead of him here at VDAR. His daughters are tremendous young cows. Extremely sound footed and correctly made with great attitudes and ideal udders. He’s seen a lot of use in the last 3 years and we have a lot of calves on the ground right now. His calves have a ratio of 101 on both weaning and yearling. His grand-dam is a tremendous 12 year old cow and the mother of VDAR Stout 1623. Co-owned with the Namminga’s, Avon, SD. Semen Available
VDAR Cedar Wind 5126 has become a major herd sire in both the VDAR & Southern Cattle Company programs and is continually siring calves that are extremely easy-calving and explosive in their growth! They are sound and attractive in their makeup and his sons have been very well received by our customers. His daughters are also very consistent in their type, correct in their makeup and have uniform and tidy udders. We are excited that they are a huge factor in the Van Dyke Angus herd! Co-owned with Southern Cattle Company, Mariana, FL. Semen Available
Arrow over to see 7072’s feet at 10 years old!
VDAR Hero 7072 is a very unique and exciting calving-ease sire who has already had quite an impact in the VDAR herd. His calves come small and early and grow more than you would ever expect! They have extra bone and lots of muscle with a wide dimensional hip! His front feet are as close to perfect as any bull we use and it seems to transmit to his calves. 707’s mother is a picture-perfect daughter of VDAR Really Windy 4097 and one of all our visitor’s favorites. His first calf crop produced VDAR Sonny Boy who is now one of VDAR’s main herd sires. At ten years old we are using him heavily because of his ability to produce fault-free cattle. Co-owned with Carl and Hedi Wulff, Medical Lake, WA.
VDAR MAGA 7190 was our second high-selling bull in our 2021 Cattleman’s Advantage Bull Sale, sold to Varilek CT Angus in Geddes, ND. His calves are extremely powerful and high-growth. If you are interested in cattle that are heavy structured, dimensional and extremely well balanced, his calves are what you’re looking for. Co-owned with Varilek CT Angus, Geddes, ND.
Sire of VDAR 4321 Blastoff 7230

Pathfinder Dam of VDAR 4321 Blastoff 7230
VDAR 4321 Blastoff 7230 is an extremely powerful, high-growth individual. He is complete in his makeup, being very sound and functionally correct in his design. He combines this with a big foot and is extremely heavy boned. He is out of the great donor cow VDAR Beauty 4321 who is also the dam of VDAR Cedar Wind 5126.
VDAR Twenty Twenty 2020 We kept 2020 as the pick of our 2020 calf crop. He’s seen heavy use in our herd and will continue to do so. We selected 2020 because of both his phenotype and the cows behind him. His dam is 11 years old and still in the herd. She’s a donor cow for us and has still maintained a 366 day calving interval while being flushed and posting a 106 weaning ratio. His great grandam is 13, and still here. She calved in January again this year and has a 363 day calving interval on 12 head, with a weaning ratio of 101. If that weren’t enough evidence of longevity, her mother we had until 13 as well. We are excited to see what the future holds for 2020 and look forward to getting his daughters into production. Co-owned with Tom Brockel, Bison, SD. Semen Available.
VDAR MAGA 7050 was our high selling bull in our 2021 Cattleman’s Advantage Bull Sale to Stone Gate Farms, Flemingsburg, KY, and Willow Creek Ranch, Hensel, ND. A low birth-weight bull with excellent growth, 7050’s dam is a 13-year-old daughter of Black Cedar 46P. She is still producing in our herd today and has been an exceptional producer. Co-owned with Stone Gate Farms, Flemingsburg, KY.
VDAR Showdown 7236 is a bull that packs a punch, the $22,000 selection of the 2017 bull sale. A son of Genex sire VDAR Sonny Boy 1194, Showdown was a complete standout from the time he was born. His daughters have done a tremendous job for us and continue to do so. Showdown’s Pathfinder dam has a calving interval of 367 days, a weaning ratio of 106 and a yearling ratio of 105 on 9 head. The feet and disposition of Showdown are remarkable, much like his sire. They also exhibit tremendous muscle shape and growth wrapped up in a stylish package. We have used Showdown heavily on cows and heifers with tremendous success. Co-owned with Hartman Angus, Grand Island, NE. Semen Available
VDAR Cedar Wind 8111 was the sale topping bull of the 2012 bull sale at $37,500. He was impressive then and has continued to be ever since. He is a sure fire calving ease sire that has turned into a maternal giant. Cedar Wind has been proven across the board, his CED and BW are in the top 15% of the breed. On birth weight, he has 758 calves reported at with an average ratio of 99. One of the great aspects about Cedar Wind is that you get extreme calving ease, without sacrificing growth; in 55 herds on 606 head he has a ratio of 100 at weaning, and records the same ratio at yearling. Cedar Wind daughters are truly a joy to calve. They are fantastic mothers with the sweetest dispositions you will find anywhere. His daughters have made a huge impact here, raising off some of our best calves and breeding back remarkably well. We have found to be as fertile of cows as we have and Cedar Wind himself ranks in the top 2% of the breed on heifer pregnancy. His mother is 9 years old and has a calving interval of 367 days. They are ideally udders, beautiful young cows that are getting it done everywhere. In 23 herds Cedar Wind Daughters have nursed off 160 calves, with a ratio of 100. Co-Owned with Roseneath Plantation, Gloster LA, and Universal Semen Sales. Semen available from Universal Semen Sales.
VDAR Lone Peak 2157 was a true standout on the 2018 bull sale. He was the high seller, bought by Stevenson Angus and Genex. A remarkably thick and powerful calf since he was born, he has remained a standout bull ever since. He had individual ratios of 95 at birth, 105 at weaning, and 115 at yearling. Lone Peak has excellent toe shape and is very sound. He is also the thickest bull we have raised here at VDAR. Look for his calves to make waves across the country in years to come. Lone Peak 2157 is co-owned with Stevenson Angus, Hobson MT and Genex. Semen is available from Genex.
VDAR Stout 1623 was one of our top picks in our 2014 sale and has seen heavy use ever since on both heifers and cows. They are extremely correct cattle with phenomenal front ends. The kind that make lasting females. His first daughters did a wonderful job last year, they had an average nursing ratio of 104. Perfect uddered and extremely sound, just like his mother, who at six years old entered our donor program. Stout has a true calving ease cow behind him, she has an average birth ratio of 94 and an average calving interval of 367 days. His maternal sister has carried on this trend, on three calves she had ratios of 95 at birth, 101 at weaning and 102 at yearling. Her last calf was one of the top bulls on our sale last spring, whose first calves were just born. Stout sons can make a positive impact on the females in any herd. Co-Owned with Jenkins Cattle Company, Moultrie, GA.